Sidr Honey Straws Specialist Singapore

Pure & Medicinal Sidr Honey

from Mountainous, Rural Regions of Do'an, Yemen & Kashmir

The Sidr tree, also named the Lote Tree or Ziziphus Spina Christi is known for its healing, and medicinal properties. The honeybees forage this tree to produce the wondrous Sidr honey.

sidr honey singapore

Trusted Supplier of Sidr Honey in Straws, Jars and other Wholesome Goodness

Our Story

What is all the Buzz about?

Back in 2013, having a passion for Honeybees and knowledge of the goodness of Yemeni Sidr Honey, our partners at Little Honey saw an opportunity to bring this goodness in straws. They travelled and studied honeybees and their production of this wondrous substance from diverse parts of the world landing on the most beneficent, medicinal and miraculous Sidr.
Coined by us as the ‘Manuka of the East’, Sidr honey is harvested from the Lote tree , also known as Ziziphus- Spina Christi and has wide uses which makes it an essential kitchen pharmacy tool. 7 years from inception Little Honey has now grown from one product to over 20 SKU’s and a growing fan base. We aim to educate our consumers and Little Honey fans on how best to inculcate the honey culture as part of their lifestyle to benefit from this wholesome product and achieve Mental, Emotional and Physical Well-being.

Why Sidr Honey?

Sidr Honey has been researched to contain higher counts of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties as compared to any other type of honey.

Reliefs Cough, Flu, Sore Throat Symptoms

Sidr Honey has high anti-inflammatory properties which helps to reduce symptoms and helps to treat ailments from sinus and congestion.

Honey in Singapore

Boosts Immunity

Sidr Honey antibacterial and antioxidant properties aid in strengthening the immune system which in turn helps to fight illnesses.

Aids in Weight Loss

Honey is a nutritional food low in glycemic index. Honey intake reduces blood sugar levels and prevents excessive weight gain.

Value Saving Bundles

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